Union News

Soar Higher with a Union Plus Scholarship

  • 30 January 2018

Working women unite!

  • 23 January 2018

Buy Union this Holiday Season!

  • 4 December 2017

Remember to look for the union label and Buy American when shopping for your holiday gifts this season. Here are few websites to guide you:

And when looking for the perfect holiday gift, look no further than the OPEIU Store where you can find shirts, hats and lots of other items to show your union pride! View items for sale and place your order directly online at https://opeiu.imagepointe.com/opeiu/

Don't pass massive tax cuts for the wealthy on the backs of working people

  • 29 November 2017
Republicans in Congress have proposed a tax plan that favors corporations and the top 1% over working people. Millions of working families would pay more in taxes while Wall Street would make out like bandits. We cannot afford for this bill to become law.

Tax Breaks for Outsourcing Makes Plan a Job Killer.
This plan reduces the tax rate on offshore profits to zero, giving corporations even more incentive to move American jobs offshore. If it passes, working people could see their jobs sent overseas—and they will have to pay more in taxes.

Top 5 reasons the GOP tax plan is bad deal for women

  • 28 November 2017

Contact Us

Nicole Korkolis
Director of Communication,   Education and Research


Suzanne Fenech

Communication Specialist






Kyle Friend

Senior Communication Strategist





About Us

​The Office and Professional Employees International Union was chartered in 1945 and​, with more than ​90,000 members, we’re one of the larger unions of the AFL-CIO. OPEIU has locals ​throughout the United States and Canada.

More Information
Contact Us
President's Office 
80 Eighth Avenue
(entrance at 265 West 14th Street)
Suite 201
New York, NY 10011
Phone:  (800) 346-7348 / (212)-675-3210