OPEIU members can contribute to the Haitian relief effort through Union Plus. Union Plus will match individual donations made to the AFL-CIO Solidarity Center’s Earthquake Relief for Haitian Workers fund dollar-for-dollar, up to $100,000 total. This means a $10 donation becomes $20, $25 becomes $50 and so on.
New York, NY – The Office and Professional Employees International Union (OPEIU), AFL-CIO, CLC, has granted a charter to the Global Helicopter Pilots Association (GHPA), effective October 27, 2009. The group will be known as GHPA, OPEIULocal 103.
The Office and Professional Employees International Union was chartered in 1945 and, with more than 90,000 members, we’re one of the larger unions of the AFL-CIO. OPEIU has locals throughout the United States and Canada.