Happy Labor Day

  • 3 September 2023

This Labor Day weekend, we’re reflecting on the unprecedented opportunities and challenges faced by workers and their unions.

Across generations, unions remain widely popular, with majorities in every age bracket reporting they’d sign a union card. Workers across industries – from credit unions and nonprofits to tech companies and healthcare facilities – are filing for union elections at record levels.

Last year, more workers joined unions than the two previous years combined. This year, at the 29th OPEIU Convention, convention delegates reaffirmed our union’s commitment to organizing the unorganized to bolster these numbers even further. The momentum and power we’ve collectively built in the past year has helped workers across the country realize and harness their own power in the workplace, giving them a bigger say over their futures.

We look forward to building upon this momentum even further in pursuit of our shared goals: economic, racial and social justice at work and in our communities. And we wish for you and your family a wonderful Labor Day.

In solidarity,


AFL-CIO’s Shuler: State of the Unions is Strong with Record Public Support, Unprecedented Activism and Organizing this Labor Day

  • 29 August 2023

88% of people under 30 view unions favorably—a record-breaking level of support from young workers 

71% of Americans support unions—majorities of Republicans and Independents 

Washington D.C.-- Today, AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler and Secretary-Treasurer Fred Redmond delivered an inaugural State of the Unions address where they released new polling which underscores the American people’s support of unions—especially that of young workers—and their view of unions as critical to growing the middle class and providing opportunities for working people to thrive. Additionally, both officers stressed that with this unprecedented level of support, working people in unions are prepared to organize like never before, hold big corporations accountable and restore America’s promise for all. 

“The idea of a union may sound complicated, but in reality, unions are just a group of people coming together. They are about each of us becoming the most powerful version of ourselves that we possibly can,” said Shuler. “And there is nothing better than finding that power alongside the people we work with and being a part of something bigger than ourselves. That’s all a union is. It’s that simple. People in this country have been searching for their power for a long time now, young people especially.”

You can read President Shuler’s full remarks here

Support Tufts RAs ULP Strike

  • 28 August 2023
Support Tufts RAs ULP Strike

The United Labor of Tufts Resident Assistants (ULTRA), represented by the Office and Professional Employees International Union (OPEIU) Local 153, are set to begin a strike on Tuesday, August 29, after months of negotiating with university officials who refuse to make any response to their demand for wages as compensation for their work.

Eighty-nine percent of ULTRA members voted on the afternoon of Wednesday, August 23 to authorize a strike if the university fails to meet the union’s demand for wage compensation in the form of a stipend. Up to this point, the only form of compensation RAs receive is on-campus housing during the academic year.

In last week’s bargaining session, the university made threats of a lockout, of replacing members of the unit, and of charging them for their rooms, thereby threatening the housing security of the student workers. Also during this session, the administration sent an email to the entire student body threatening retaliation against union members for engaging in their right to collective action. In response to this email, the union has filed an Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) charge with the NLRB. On Sunday evening, the members voted unanimously to authorize a ULP strike.

"I work overnight shifts at the hospital in addition to holding three other jobs on campus and being an RA,” says Aria Ma, an ULTRA member and a junior in the Tufts dual degree program. “I spread myself too thin and I am still barely getting by. It's disappointing to see that Tufts doesn't care enough about us to provide a living wage."

About Us

​The Office and Professional Employees International Union was chartered in 1945 and​, with more than ​90,000 members, we’re one of the larger unions of the AFL-CIO. OPEIU has locals ​throughout the United States and Canada.

More Information
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President's Office 
80 Eighth Avenue
(entrance at 265 West 14th Street)
Suite 201
New York, NY 10011
Phone:  (800) 346-7348 / (212)-675-3210