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The OPEIU app is available for free download for iOS devices on the App Store and for Android devices on Google Play by searching OPEIU.
Welcome to the Office and Professional Employees International Union
The Office and Professional Employees International Union was chartered in 1945 and, with more than 90,000 members, we’re one of the larger unions of the AFL-CIO. OPEIU has locals throughout the United States and Canada. You are not alone when you join OPEIU.

Latest News

Celebrating Organizing the Unorganized

  • 1 May 2022

Today’s worldwide celebration by workers, of workers and for workers is a potent reminder of the collective power we share when we — as those who work for a living — stand united in pursuit of a more dignified future for all.

We remember today the historic and heroic struggles waged by generations before us: for an eight-hour day, for a minimum wage, for overtime rights, for the abolition of child labor, for the weekend, for Social Security and more.

But we also know those hard-fought gains are backsliding. Working people are working more for far less. Basic necessities like healthcare, housing and food are, for many, becoming increasingly out of reach at the worst possible time. Younger generations have, on average, little hope things will improve in their lifetimes.

We believe the only way to reverse those trends is by organizing.

OPEIU’s commitment to prioritize organizing the unorganized has paved the way toward historic wins in new industries, amplifying the voices and improving the material conditions of workers in the nonprofit and tech sectors.
Through their union — our union — workers who long had no collective voice now have a vehicle to take power into their own hands.

Read more about recent OPEIU wins across the nation in the first issue of OPEIU Connect, our official magazine.

Happy May Day.
In solidarity,

One Workplace Death is One Too Many

April 28 is Workers Memorial Day

  • 28 April 2022

On this day in 1971, the Occupational Safety and Health Act went into effect. Each year, on the anniversary, the labor movement comes together to honor our fellow workers, union and nonunion alike, who died a preventable death on the job in the last year.

This past year, 4,764 workers were killed on the job. An estimated 120,000 more died from occupational diseases. Sadly, we know the actual number of lives cut short by employer behavior — whether covert, like cutting health benefits during a pandemic, or overt, like failing to provide adequate PPE — is far greater.

Construction sites remain one of the deadliest places to work in the country. But the neglectful actions of employers of all stripes and in every industry — from Amazon and Tesla to Amy’s Kitchen and McLaren Macomb — impact not just their employees' well-being, but the well-being of workers’ families and the communities in which they live.

Honoring those senselessly lost means standing up in unison to say loud and clear: One workplace death is one too many.

Find a Workers Memorial Day event near you by clicking here.

Read the AFL-CIO’s annual report on worker safety and occupational hazards in all 50 states here.

New report details scope and severity of workplace hazards in U.S.

  • 26 April 2022

The AFL-CIO's annual report on worker safety and occupational hazards was released today in advance of Workers Memorial Day on April 28. The statistics and figures within are a stark reminder of the necessity of protecting workers on the job in all 50 states and in every single industry.

Limited Time Offer: MetLife Legal Plans for only $19.95 per Month

  • 15 April 2022

Enroll in MetLife Legal Plans during special open enrollment for just $19.95 a month*. You'll have experienced legal help, whenever you need it. Enrollment ends 5/2/22.



*For new customers only.

Leadership Conference Workers United Urges The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and The Leadership Conference Education Fund to Recognize Union

Workers seek to organize for a workplace as good as its ideals

  • 14 April 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. (April 14, 2022) —  A supermajority of more than 75 percent of eligible staff of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and The Leadership Conference Education Fund have joined together to form Leadership Conference Workers United (LCWU) and request formal voluntary recognition of their union with the Office and Professional Employees International Union (OPEIU) Local 2. LCWU is requesting a response from Leadership Conference leadership by 5 p.m. ET on Wednesday, April 20. If the request is ignored or denied, they plan to file for an election through the National Labor Relations Board. 

“In forming a union, we find inspiration in the legacy of our coalition’s cofounder, A. Philip Randolph, whose birthday we celebrate this week,” wrote LCWU. “We also honor The Leadership Conference’s long history of advocacy on behalf of workers and the central role major unions have played both in our coalition and on our boards.” 

Tell the Red Cross: Front-Line Heroes Deserve a DIGNIFIED Contract

Red Cross workers are asking for your support

  • 13 April 2022
Tell the Red Cross: Front-Line Heroes Deserve a DIGNIFIED Contract


American Red Cross employees are reaching a breaking point as the expiration of their contract on May 31 nears — and they're asking for your help.

After two years on the front lines of the pandemic, these employees – the everyday heroes who collect our lifesaving blood supply – are mobilizing for a fair contract that addresses chronic understaffing and unsafe working conditions.

That's why they're asking you to sign this petition and tell the Red Cross: Front-line heroes deserve a fair contract that respects, protects and pays them for their service to our communities.


Latest OPEIU Connect
Download the OPEIU App!

The OPEIU app is available for free download. It’s a great way to stay connected to your union, learn more about your membership benefits, find links to OPEIU’s social media networks and much more. Available for free download for iOS devices on the App Store and for Android devices on Google Play by searching OPEIU.


Election 2024

Learn more about where the presidential candidates stand on issues important to working families, register to vote or check your voter registration status, and make a plan to vote on Nov. 5! Visit to learn more.


Join the OPEIU Member Action Team

OPEIU members take action every day to make our world a better place for all. That’s why we’ve created the OPEIU Member Action Team. We need members like you to call on for a rapid response to urgent situations impacting working people.  The future of our labor movement and OPEIU depends on leaders who are committed to organizing and to advocating for justice.


Will you join us? It takes just a few moments to sign up for the OPEIU Member Action Team here


Stay Connected! Join the OPEIU Retiree Action Team

Sign up to keep abreast of exciting OPEIU retiree benefits and important developments affecting you and your family.


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About Us

​The Office and Professional Employees International Union was chartered in 1945 and​, with more than ​90,000 members, we’re one of the larger unions of the AFL-CIO. OPEIU has locals ​throughout the United States and Canada.

More Information


Contact Us
President's Office 
80 Eighth Avenue
(entrance at 265 West 14th Street)
Suite 201
New York, NY 10011
Phone:  (800) 346-7348 / (212)-675-3210