Tell Your Representative to Protect Working People

  • 29 April 2019
Tell Your Representative to Protect Working People

The AFL-CIO just released its annual report on workplace deaths in the United States. Nearly 50 years after the passage of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, it is clear we have much more work to do to ensure every working person comes home after a day’s work.

Write your representative today and tell them to protect working people by supporting H.R. 1309: the Workplace Violence Prevention for Health Care and Social Service Workers Act of 2019.

Read the full AFL-CIO report here:

Make Sure Your Easter is Union Made

  • 18 April 2019
Make Sure Your Easter is Union Made
Make sure your Easter celebration this weekend is union made! Visit for a full list of union-made treats to fill your Easter basket and your holiday dinner table.

Employers Can Buy Retirement Security for $2.64 an Hour

Many Americans can’t afford to save for their future and will be doomed to poverty.

  • 16 April 2019
Nearly one-third of households aged 55 and older have no retirement savings and no pension. OPEIU believes that those who have worked their entire lives deserve better than retiring into poverty.
About Us

​The Office and Professional Employees International Union was chartered in 1945 and​, with more than ​90,000 members, we’re one of the larger unions of the AFL-CIO. OPEIU has locals ​throughout the United States and Canada.

More Information
Contact Us
President's Office 
80 Eighth Avenue
(entrance at 265 West 14th Street)
Suite 201
New York, NY 10011
Phone:  (800) 346-7348 / (212)-675-3210