Union News

OPEIU Nurses Council Elects Officers to Serve Two-Year Terms

  • 3 May 2012

New York, NY (May 4, 2012) –  The Office and Professional Employees International Union (OPEIU) Nurses Council executive board has elected officers to two-year terms at its meeting held in Dallas, Texas on May 2, 2012.  The OPEIU Nurses Council represents approximately 10,000 nurses affiliated with OPEIU throughout the United States.

OPEIU Demands Apology from Madeline Dean Campaign for Inappropriate and Demeaning Remarks

  • 29 April 2012

PHILADELPHIA, PA -- The Office and Professional Employees International Union (OPEIU) is demanding an apology from Pennsylvania State House candidate Madeline Dean for inappropriate remarks made to an African-American OPEIU member who was campaigning for her opponent Nick Mattiacci on Saturday, April 21, 2012. Both Dean and Mattiacci are running to fill Democrat Josh Shapiro's District 153 House Seat.

Mary Short Named OPEIU Vice President

  • 12 April 2012

Union, New Jersey – The Executive Board of the Office and Professional Employees International Union (OPEIU), AFL-CIO, CLC has appointed Mary Short to serve as Vice President for Region II on the Executive Board.  Short is the President of OPEIU Local 32 in Union, New Jersey. 


International President Michael Goodwin Discuss Recent OPEIU Election Wins in Wisconsin

  • 15 March 2012

American Guild of Appraisers Petitions Federal Reserve Board

  • 28 February 2012

The American Guild of Appraisers (AGA), a national organization of real estate appraisers that is an affiliate of the AFL-CIO’s Office and Professional Employees International Union (OPEIU), has petitioned the Federal Reserve Board (“Fed”) and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to overturn a regulation adopted by the Fed that is contrary to the Dodd Frank Financial Reform law, threatens the viability of professional appraisal practice and undermines the legitimacy of real estate appraisals relied on by lenders in making residential mortgage loans.

Contact Us

Nicole Korkolis
Director of Communication,   Education and Research


Suzanne Fenech

Communication Specialist






Kyle Friend

Senior Communication Strategist





About Us

​The Office and Professional Employees International Union was chartered in 1945 and​, with more than ​90,000 members, we’re one of the larger unions of the AFL-CIO. OPEIU has locals ​throughout the United States and Canada.

More Information
Contact Us
President's Office 
80 Eighth Avenue
(entrance at 265 West 14th Street)
Suite 201
New York, NY 10011
Phone:  (800) 346-7348 / (212)-675-3210